Enabling Customer Success

Glocol Networks (Glocol Inc) was founded as an industry-university collaborations on Seamless Mobility and Intelligent Transportation Systems.

The university and industry collaborations along with high research focus have enabled the company to become an established and trusted player that our customers and partners, all – government agencies, hi-tech sector and university partners have come to trust for research and critical development processes.

Together we build business values for customers and have a strong history of research, development and commercialization experience revolving around our products and services.

The Beginning

Glocol began its forays into the mobile market with a seed funding from Cisco Systems on a research for seamless mobility and an award conduct vast research and commercialization effort around Mobile IP and the problem of connectivity for mobile environments.

 This successful research led to additional collaborations with other partners and collaborators investing in Glocol’s solutions and helped the company build an expertise in Mobile Platform and a highly reputable track-record to conduct R&D Services and solution development along with the vision for Seamless Mobility and Connected Vehicle.

Awards & Grants

Glocol networks has received multiple Awards, Grants and Funding to develop the vision of commercialization from Research to Prototype to Product Test Deployment and Transformation, Licensing and Commercialization Plans. 

Glocol has been funded by initial research grants, awards and client projects, seed-funded by Cisco Systems, a partnership with UC Berkeley, California Center for Innovative Transportation (CCIT), California Department of Transportation, USDOT, US Department of Homeland Security, French Research Center INRETS, ITRI and a new strategic partnership with UC Davis all the while receiving Non-Dilutive Capital Funding for research efforts and developing strong business values for customers.

Moving Forward

With a constant focus on new technologies and supporting our customers in building revenues and providing future-proof products at a low total-cost-of-ownership, Glocol Networks has gained customer confidence and a track record for whatever we do. From California to France and from India to Japan, we continue to help our customers succeed.

 We offer our products and provide first-class professional services around cutting-edge technologies. Glocol Networks has strategic partnership relations for success.

Glocol Networks is an Internet-of-Things (IoT) start-up with a mission of transforming how IOT, Smart Objects and Wearables can change our lives in Smart Cities with a new paradigm to smart living and saving lives!